Citizenship By Investment

Diversify your asset portfolio, enhance governance structures, and expand your global domicile exposure through an alternative citizenship.

Antigua and Barbuda

Saint John's

The most preferred options are as follows:

  • Real Estate:The purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 from an approved real estate project. In order to qualify, an applicant can either make a sole purchase of this value or enter into a joint investment where each applicant invests a minimum of USD 200,000. The real estate cannot be disposed of within the five-year period
  • Donation:A contribution to the National Development Fund of a minimum non-refundable amount of USD 100,000 for a family of up to four members, or USD 125,000 for a family of five or more members
  • *Minimum real estate investment amount to increase to USD 325,000 and minimum donation amount to increase to USD 230,000 effective 1 Aug
  • 4-6 months
  • Spouse, dependent children under 31, parents and grandparents aged 55 and over, and unmarried siblings of the main applicant and/ or their spouse of any age, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

The Eastern Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda is known for its lush tropical climate and inviting lifestyle. It provides Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 150 destinations (including Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK). Antigua and Barbuda houses real estate by famous faces such as Oprah Winfrey and Giorgio Armani. Nicknamed as ‘the land of 365 beaches’ the island is said to have a different beach for every day of the year.



One of the following options can be availed:

  • Real Estate: A real estate purchase with a minimum value of USD 200,000, which can be resold after five years
  • Donation:A non-refundable donation with a minimum value of USD 200,000 to the Economic Development Fund for a single applicant
  • 4-6 months
  • Spouse, unmarried children under 31 who are substantially dependent on the main applicant, and parents and grandparents aged 65+, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

One of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean, Dominica's citizenship program offers visa-free travel to 144 countries, including popular destinations such as Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, and the Schengen.Known as the "Nature Isle of the Caribbean," credited to the emerald pools under waterfalls and natural hot springs under volcanoes, Dominica is a dream getaway into the heart of nature. Dominican citizenship provides individuals with a second passport, which can be a valuable asset for international travel, business opportunities, and personal security.


Saint George's

One of the following options can be availed:

  • Real Estate:USD 270,000 minimum purchase of real estate from an approved real estate project, plus an additional minimum non-refundable contribution of USD 50,000. The real estate cannot be disposed of for five years and can only be resold to another citizenship by investment applicant
  • Donation:USD 235,000 donation to the National Transformation Fund for a single applicant.
  • 4-6 months
  • Spouse, dependent children (under 30), unmarried siblings (18 and over), parents, and grandparents

Lying just outside of the hurricane belt, Grenada is a country of lush, tropical forests, stunning waterfalls, and gorgeous sandy beaches. As well as allowing you the chance to settle on a beautiful island, a Grenada passport guarantees you and your family visa-free travel to 145 countries (Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK). Known as the ‘Spice Isle’, the warmth in Grenada isn’t just due to its abundant export of spices but also from its welcoming local community known for its vibrant culture and hospitality.

Saint Kitts and Nevis


One of the following options can be availed:

  • Real Estate:Minimum investment of USD 400,000 for the main applicant; real estate purchase must be held for 7 years or USD 800,000 in private home purchase for a single applicant
  • Donation:USD 250,000 in non-refundable contribution to the Sustainable Island State Contribution
  • 3-6 months
  • A fast track option (2 months) is also available upon payment of additional due diligence fee
  • Spouse, children under 31, parents, grandparents aged 55 and over, and unmarried dependent siblings under 31 with no children, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

St. Kitts and Nevis is the oldest, most successful Citizenship By investment program in the world. It recognizes dual citizenship, so investors can still benefit from their current passports. It is the most powerful passport in Caribbean in terms of Visa-Free countries giving access to 156 countries (Schengen Area, the UK, Hong Kong, and Singapore)and citizenship can be passed on to future generations including future grandchildren. St. Kitts and Nevis also stands as a pioneer in providing free or subsidized primary healthcare for its citizens.

Saint Lucia


The most preferred options are as follows:

  • Real Estate:Purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 300,000 from an approved real estate development, which must be held for a minimum period of five years
  • Donation:Non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund of USD 240,000 for a single applicant
  • Government Bonds:Investment in non-interest-bearing government bonds with a minimum value of USD 300,000 (and an administrative fee of USD 50,000), which must be held for a minimum period of five years
  • 4-6 months
  • Spouse, children under 31, siblings under 18, and parents aged 55 and over, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

St. Lucia is located in the Lesser Antilles region of the Eastern Caribbean. The country attracts foreign business and investment, especially in its international banking and tourism industries. A Saint Lucia passport allows you and your family visa-free travel to 146 countries (Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK).Being the second-largest island of the Windward Islands, Saint Lucia houses the world’s only ‘drive in’ volcano known as the Sulphur Springs. This country exudes culture and values a strong sense of community, making it a delightful destination for all.


Port Vila
  • A donation of USD 130,000 to a local development fund is required for a single applicant
  • 2-3 months
  • Spouses and dependent children (below age 25), parents (aged 50 and above)

Vanuatu offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking citizenship in a stunning tropical setting. Launched in 2017, the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program stands as the sole program in the South Pacific region. Also known as the Vanuatu Citizenship Development Support Program (DSP), the program offers the quickest pathway to obtaining alternative citizenship through investment.

Vanuatu offers visa-free access or visa on-arrival to over 95 countries (including the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong).Composed of a string of 80 islands, Vanuatu is the ultimate paradise for anyone looking to upgrade their lifestyles.



The most preferred methods are as follows:

  • Real Estate:Acquire at least USD 400,000 worth of real estate
  • Capital:Invest a minimum of USD 500,000 in fixed capital contributions
  • Bank Deposit:Deposit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into a Turkish bank account
  • 4 months
  • Spouse and dependent children under the age of 18

With the economic, cultural, and historic central city of Istanbul embracing Europe and Asia, Türkiye is a transcontinental country that benefits significantly from its geostrategic location. A citizenship in Turkey grants access to visa-free or visa-on-arrival to 111 destinations worldwide (Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore).Housing the oldest covered market in the world called Kapali Carsi, Turkey allows you to get lost in the charm of it’s cultural history.



Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment can be obtained by the following four contributions:

  • Capital Contribution: A contribution of at least EUR 600,000 for a minimum residence period of 36 months, or EUR 750,000 for a minimum of 12 months
  • Residence: Legal residence of Malta for at least 36 months (or 12 months, by exception), which includes the lease of a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum, held for that same period. Applicants require a valid residence card in order to obtain citizenship
  • Donation: A donation of at least EUR 10,000 to a registered sport, cultural, scientific, philanthropic, animal welfare, or artistic non-governmental organization or society, as approved by the Community Malta Agency
  • Purchase or lease real estate: The purchase of a residential property in Malta of at least EUR 700,000, which must be held for five years starting from the oath of allegiance date. Alternatively, the lease of a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum, also held for five years upon swearing the oath of allegiance (The property cannot be sublet during this five-year period)
  • 14-38 months
  • Parents, spouse, and children

Whether one’s a history buff, a night owl, an adrenaline junkie, or simply a rambler wishing to be bowled over by natural splendor, the list of things to do in Malta is endless. A Maltese citizenship grants access to visa-free or visa-on-arrival access 186 destinations (EU and Schengen Area, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, the USA). With its pro-business government, creating a company in Malta is straightforward, and its legislation and tax system are amongst the most favorable in Europe.



Securing Austrian Citizenship by Investment usually necessitates a minimum investment of EUR 8 million when directly channeled into a business, or EUR 3 million as a substantial contribution to the state's interests in scientific, cultural, or economic domains

To meet the eligibility criteria, the investment must be made directly, fostering Austria's economy by establishing businesses, generating employment opportunities, or introducing innovative technologies

The Austrian government diligently evaluates applications on a case-by-case basis, requiring applicants to demonstrate their active engagement as investors within Austria and present a spotless criminal record

  • 2-3 years
  • Spouse and dependent children

Being home to the world class capital of Vienna, Austria boasts a high standard of living and a rich cultural and historic heritage. A citizenship in the country grants visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 189 destinations (EU and Schengen Area, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, the USA). Austria is renowned for its beautiful alpine landscapes, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The country also hones a rich history in classical music, with famous composers such as Beethoven and Mozart hailing from Austria.


    The most preferred options are as follows:

    • Real Estate: The purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 from an approved real estate project. In order to qualify, an applicant can either make a sole purchase of this value or enter into a joint investment where each applicant invests a minimum of USD 200,000. The real estate cannot be disposed of within the five-year period
    • Donation: A contribution to the National Development Fund of a minimum non-refundable amount of USD 100,000 for a family of up to four members, or USD 125,000 for a family of five or more members
    • *Minimum real estate investment amount to increase to USD 325,000 and minimum donation amount to increase to USD 230,000 effective 1 Aug


    • 4-6 months


    • Spouse, dependent children under 31, parents and grandparents aged 55 and over, and unmarried siblings of the main applicant and/ or their spouse of any age, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant
    Saint John's

    The Eastern Caribbean Island of Antigua and Barbuda is known for its lush tropical climate and inviting lifestyle. It provides Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 150 destinations (including Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK). Antigua and Barbuda houses real estate by famous faces such as Oprah Winfrey and Giorgio Armani. Nicknamed as ‘the land of 365 beaches’ the island is said to have a different beach for every day of the year.


    One of the following options can be availed:

    • Real Estate: A real estate purchase with a minimum value of USD 200,000, which can be resold after five years
    • Donation: A non-refundable donation with a minimum value of USD 200,000 to the Economic Development Fund for a single applicant


    • 4-6 months


    • Spouse, unmarried children under 31 who are substantially dependent on the main applicant, and parents and grandparents aged 65+, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

    One of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean, Dominica's citizenship program offers visa-free travel to 144 countries, including popular destinations such as Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, and the Schengen. Known as the "Nature Isle of the Caribbean," credited to the emerald pools under waterfalls and natural hot springs under volcanoes, Dominica is a dream getaway into the heart of nature. Dominican citizenship provides individuals with a second passport, which can be a valuable asset for international travel, business opportunities, and personal security.


    One of the following options can be availed:

    • Real Estate: USD 270,000 minimum purchase of real estate from an approved real estate project, plus an additional minimum non-refundable contribution of USD 50,000. The real estate cannot be disposed of for five years and can only be resold to another citizenship by investment applicant
    • Donation: USD 235,000 donation to the National Transformation Fund for a single applicant.


    • 4-6 months


    • Spouse, dependent children (under 30), unmarried siblings (18 and over), parents, and grandparents
    Saint George's

    Lying just outside of the hurricane belt, Grenada is a country of lush, tropical forests, stunning waterfalls, and gorgeous sandy beaches. As well as allowing you the chance to settle on a beautiful island, a Grenada passport guarantees you and your family visa-free travel to 145 countries (Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK). Known as the ‘Spice Isle’, the warmth in Grenada isn’t just due to its abundant export of spices but also from its welcoming local community known for its vibrant culture and hospitality.


    One of the following options can be availed:

    • Real Estate: Minimum investment of USD 400,000 for the main applicant; real estate purchase must be held for 7 years or USD 800,000 in private home purchase for a single applicant
    • Donation: USD 250,000 in non-refundable contribution to the Sustainable Island State Contribution


    • 3-6 months
    • A fast track option (2 months) is also available upon payment of additional due diligence fee


    • Spouse, children under 31, parents, grandparents aged 55 and over, and unmarried dependent siblings under 31 with no children, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

    St. Kitts and Nevis is the oldest, most successful Citizenship By investment program in the world. It recognizes dual citizenship, so investors can still benefit from their current passports. It is the most powerful passport in Caribbean in terms of Visa-Free countries giving access to 156 countries (Schengen Area, the UK, Hong Kong, and Singapore) and citizenship can be passed on to future generations including future grandchildren. St. Kitts and Nevis also stands as a pioneer in providing free or subsidized primary healthcare for its citizens.


    The most preferred options are as follows:

    • Real Estate: Purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 300,000 from an approved real estate development, which must be held for a minimum period of five years
    • Donation: Non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund of USD 240,000 for a single applicant
    • Government Bonds: Investment in non-interest-bearing government bonds with a minimum value of USD 300,000 (and an administrative fee of USD 50,000), which must be held for a minimum period of five years


    • 4-6 months


    • Spouse, children under 31, siblings under 18, and parents aged 55 and over, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant

    St. Lucia is located in the Lesser Antilles region of the Eastern Caribbean. The country attracts foreign business and investment, especially in its international banking and tourism industries. A Saint Lucia passport allows you and your family visa-free travel to 146 countries (Schengen Area, China, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, UK). Being the second-largest island of the Windward Islands, Saint Lucia houses the world’s only ‘drive in’ volcano known as the Sulphur Springs. This country exudes culture and values a strong sense of community, making it a delightful destination for all.


    • A donation of USD 130,000 to a local development fund is required for a single applicant


    • 2-3 months


    • Spouses and dependent children (below age 25), parents (aged 50 and above)
    Port Vila

    Vanuatu offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking citizenship in a stunning tropical setting. Launched in 2017, the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program stands as the sole program in the South Pacific region. Also known as the Vanuatu Citizenship Development Support Program (DSP), the program offers the quickest pathway to obtaining alternative citizenship through investment.

    Vanuatu offers visa-free access or visa on-arrival to over 95 countries (including the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong). Composed of a string of 80 islands, Vanuatu is the ultimate paradise for anyone looking to upgrade their lifestyles.


    The most preferred methods are as follows:

    • Real Estate: Acquire at least USD 400,000 worth of real estate
    • Capital: Invest a minimum of USD 500,000 in fixed capital contributions
    • Bank Deposit: Deposit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into a Turkish bank account


    • 4 months


    • Spouse and dependent children under the age of 18

    With the economic, cultural, and historic central city of Istanbul embracing Europe and Asia, Türkiye is a transcontinental country that benefits significantly from its geostrategic location. A citizenship in Turkey grants access to visa-free or visa-on-arrival to 111 destinations worldwide (Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore). Housing the oldest covered market in the world called Kapali Carsi, Turkey allows you to get lost in the charm of it’s cultural history.


    Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment can be obtained by the following four contributions:

    • Capital Contribution: A contribution of at least EUR 600,000 for a minimum residence period of 36 months, or EUR 750,000 for a minimum of 12 months
    • Residence: Legal residence of Malta for at least 36 months (or 12 months, by exception), which includes the lease of a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum, held for that same period. Applicants require a valid residence card in order to obtain citizenship
    • Donation: A donation of at least EUR 10,000 to a registered sport, cultural, scientific, philanthropic, animal welfare, or artistic non-governmental organization or society, as approved by the Community Malta Agency
    • Purchase or lease real estate: The purchase of a residential property in Malta of at least EUR 700,000, which must be held for five years starting from the oath of allegiance date. Alternatively, the lease of a residential property with a rental value of at least EUR 16,000 per annum, also held for five years upon swearing the oath of allegiance (The property cannot be sublet during this five-year period)


    • 14-38 months


    • Parents, spouse, and children

    Whether one’s a history buff, a night owl, an adrenaline junkie, or simply a rambler wishing to be bowled over by natural splendor, the list of things to do in Malta is endless. A Maltese citizenship grants access to visa-free or visa-on-arrival access 186 destinations (EU and Schengen Area, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, the USA). With its pro-business government, creating a company in Malta is straightforward, and its legislation and tax system are amongst the most favorable in Europe.


    Securing Austrian Citizenship by Investment usually necessitates a minimum investment of EUR 8 million when directly channeled into a business, or EUR 3 million as a substantial contribution to the state's interests in scientific, cultural, or economic domains

    To meet the eligibility criteria, the investment must be made directly, fostering Austria's economy by establishing businesses, generating employment opportunities, or introducing innovative technologies

    The Austrian government diligently evaluates applications on a case-by-case basis, requiring applicants to demonstrate their active engagement as investors within Austria and present a spotless criminal record


    • 2-3 years


    • Spouse and dependent children

    Being home to the world class capital of Vienna, Austria boasts a high standard of living and a rich cultural and historic heritage. A citizenship in the country grants visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 189 destinations (EU and Schengen Area, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, the USA). Austria is renowned for its beautiful alpine landscapes, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The country also hones a rich history in classical music, with famous composers such as Beethoven and Mozart hailing from Austria.